Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What day is it?...October?

In my Con Law class last week, our professor offered an interesting theory. While discussing something I can't remember (which may prove this theory), he explained what is happening to our law school knowledge. "Law students' brains are like a bathtub," he states. "For a semester, the bathtub fills up with water (knowledge) until it's brimming, about to overflow. Then you take your final." He goes on to add (with some added comments from me), "Somewhere between the door to the final and the exit of the law school, someone pulls the plug from the bathtub drain, and all the water goes swirling down the drain as quickly as it can. What's left is a ring that no one wants to touch." He then went on to point out examples, such as consideration from Contracts (to which I asked, "We took Contracts?"), and other things...I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention (I'm kidding...that's my urge to quote nineties movies rearing its grungy head).

I was laughing during class, but now I have realized that I disagree with this theory. Law students retain all sorts of knowledge. I have attempted to distill some of these tidbits of knowledge into this post.

1) I know not to say in Con Law that I think Scalia doesn't have a sense of humor...because apparently I'm wrong.

2) I know that a professor at the law school likes a Lady Gaga song.

3) I know that another professor at the law school hates the State Farm commercials.

4) I know that it is possible to sleep in the library chairs.

5) I know that I can sleep through two alarms, one of them being from the '80s and extremely annoying.

6) I know that the only thing I will remember from my law school assignments is the Honor Code.

7) I know that I will never eat peanut butter...ever again.

8) I know that Legal Writing assignments will make you hate the English language.

9) I know that "free time" is a laughable concept.

And last, but certainly not least:

10) I know that there is not enough coffee in the world to keep a student awake during Legal Research.

The bathtub theory is hereby debunked.

Now can someone tell me what FRCP stands for?

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