Monday, February 14, 2011

That wildebeest is getting awa...Never mind.

Every Friday, the law school conducts tours and visits for those interested in attending law school. You can distinguish these visitors from the law students in three ways:

1) They are not weighed down by ninety pounds of books that has their backpack begging for mercy.
2) They are not carrying coffee or any other form of caffeine.
3) They look happy.

I watch these innocent faces stroll through the law school, unaware of what they are signing up for. My incessant need to quote 90's movies overtakes me, and I have to fight the urge to run up to these people, grab their faces, and yell, "Don't ever say that! Stay...stay as long as you can! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CHERISH IT!"

The irony settles in while I watch the tour: we can't warn them. Why can't we warn them? Because no one could warn us. In a school/profession that makes a living utilizing the English language, there are simply no words to express what they are about to get themselves into.

The animal channels often show footage of wildebeests, gnus, gazelles, and other animals getting mauled by cheetahs, lions, tigers, etc. Sometimes I watch because it's great to see that the stuff that goes on in the human world happens in the animal world as well. Once in awhile, though, you get that rogue wildebeest. The one that won't be caught. You're thinking, "this animal could get away!" And you start cheering for it, all the while realizing that while the wildebeest is putting up a valiant fight, the cheetah will win. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but sooner or later, the cheetah will lay the smack down on the wildebeest, and everything will be right in the animal world once again.

It's the same feeling watching these innocent people take the tour of the law school. They're going to come in with an unbreakable spirit, running away from the dark force that threatens to overtake their sanity. But in the end, we all know who will win. It's an unbeatable force, this law school deal. And while you may outrun it for awhile, it will catch up to you eventually.

So enjoy the watering hole, innocent wildebeests. But remember the cheetah is always lurking in the tall grass.


  1. Not that we listened, even when they warned us. I remember all the warnings I received and I shrugged them all of until I actually started this thing. Everyone is smart here. The work is tough and long. You're no longer a superhero. I suppose the wildebeest didn't know it wasn't the fasted wildebeest on the Earth until it was drug down by the cheetah.
